The videos featured below are similar in the fact that they were all aired on television: a medium which, until the advent of Internet Broadcasting, was perceived to be to "Go To" to get your message across to a wide audience. Check out some samples:
Produced by Gertrude Inc. of Chicago; shot and directed by reCurve, this spot earned us a European Telly Award for Best Direction. A total of four spots were made for this campaign, which covered four cities: San Francisco, Miami, Paris, and London.
Produced as one-minute sponsored interludes on the Discovery HD Theater channel, these short spots quickly became their own show on the Discovery Network. Entitled "One of a Kind", they were featured in a half-hour program, which ran for a season of twelve episodes. reCurve Media shot each episode and edited four, including this beautiful 27 million dollar Ferrari, and a Bugatti 57C!
This is one of 23 spots done in 2011 for Leinenkugel's, a subsidiary of Miller Brewing Company. Shot with all available light and in the middle of the summer, this spot captures the essence and spirit of Oktoberfest. It is also a fantastic example of what can be achieved on a shoestring budget.
Post-production by reCurve Media in Chicago.
This national 30 second spot went from pre-production, into production, and then through post in less than ten days. The most difficult part was green-lighting the script through the legal department. The spot ran nationally, shortly after an FDA drug warning was released.
This nationally-aired Ziploc commercial was directed by reCurve's Edward Seaton. It was the first time he had ever worked with children, and remains to this day, the reason Edward loves filming kids. This entire commercial, with its many different backdrops, was filmed at a community center in the western Chicago Suburbs.
This spot was shot in Chicago's Gold Coast neighborhood and was aired on one of the giant screens in New York City's Times Square.
This regional spot, directed by reCurve's Edward Seaton, gave him an opportunity to practice the tricky art of on-screen dialogue, and the even trickier tempo of "funny". This was one of four 30-second spots created for the campaign…and the funniest.